Happy Leeloo

Happy Leeloo
Happy Leeloo

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Brought to you by the letter "K"

Leeloo started making a "K" sound when she saw Leonard this morning. I'm probably reading too much into it but I think she may recognize it from "kitty." I've heard her make p's, m's, and l's before but it's the first time I'm heard k sounds - very exciting!! It's not quite as impressive as the wookie sound she can make but it's still pretty cool. (written by Rachael)


  1. You should be sure to expose her to other languages so she tries to make those sounds too. I understand there is a cartoon in Mandarin.

  2. They're not supposed to watch TV until they're 2 :-( We take her to Chinatown though - and she hears a lot of Vietnamese... (written by Rachael)
